BW Gas Alert Micro 5


BW Technologies - Hire

BW Gas Alert Micro 5


BW Technologies - Hire

Providing protection from up to five potential atmospheric hazards including oxygen, combustible and toxic gases, GasAlertMicro 5 is unparalleled in its versatility, capability and overall value. Continuously monitoring and displaying concentrations of up to five gases, the compact and lightweight GasAlertMicro 5 was designed and engineered with an extensive host of applications in mind.

This pumped monitor detects O2, H2S, CO, LEL & VOC’s and is available for hire from a minimum of 1 week.


Confined Space Entry Monitors – Ambient Gas Monitor – PhotoIonisation Detector

Supplied, serviced & calibrated in Cork, Ireland.

We service and calibrate in our workshop with two day turnaround.

PID | PhotoIonisation Detector | for Hire Cork, Ireland

Gas Monitors for Rental & Hire


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